For Immediate Release:  - 12/14/03


For Further Information Contact:

Philip J. Berg, Esquire                          

706 Ridge Pike

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-1711

Cell (610) 662-3005

(610) 825-3134

(800) 993-PHIL

Fax (610) 834-7659


News Release - Sunday - 12/14/03 - 10:45 p.m.


911 Victim’s Wife, Ellen Mariani Requests

Deposition of Saddam Hussein for her

Civil RICO Lawsuit

[Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act]

Federal Court Complaint against President Bush et al


(Lafayette Hill, PA - 12/14/03) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, attorney for Plaintiff Ellen Mariani, wife of Louis Neil Mariani, who died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 911 announced today, in the wake of the capture of Saddam Hussein, she will seek an extraordinary writ by the Honorable Court to immediately depose Saddam Hussein, a critical witness to support the merits of her RICO Act cause of action against Defendant George W. Bush, et al.

Mrs. Mariani (hereinafter “Ellen”) filed a detailed Amended Complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on 11/26/03 in the case of Mariani vs. Bush et al, No. 03-5273.  Ellen’s complaint seeks the “truth” as to why “911” occurred and is designed to protect and defend the United States Constitution and bring an end to the illegal International War On Terror initiated by Defendant George W. Bush, et al.

The nexus and national security importance of this unique request to her RICO based claim is the fact that Defendant George H. W. Bush and other Defendants such as Vice President Cheney supplied Saddam Hussein with illegal biological weapons in the 1980's yet, Defendants have ignored the thousands of Gulf War I veterans and their loved ones who continue to die due to Defendant George H. W. Bush’s illegal business and weapons exchanges with Saddam Hussein.  Ellen asserts these facts are substantially documented and will be supported by sworn testimony of Gulf War I veterans such as SSG Robert Jones and Mark Zeller (Ret.) and countless other experts with firsthand knowledge to support the serious public trust issues raised in her RICO Act Complaint.

In support of this extraordinary request, Plaintiff will provide to the Court documentary evidence received on December 13, 2003, by a former U.S. Naval fighter pilot connecting the Bush and Bin Laden families long standing financial relationship based upon a "Trust Agreement" dated July 8, 1976. 

Ellen wishes to thank all American and World Citizens and specifically the U.S. Veterans and families associated with Veterans Equal Right Protection Advocacy, Inc. [VERPA] ( who have provided the foundation and coordination to assist her in prevailing in this historic RICO Act Complaint.  Furthermore, Ellen sends her love and gratitude to the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces for their courageous performance of duty in capturing Saddam Hussein alive so the “truth” of “911” will finally be revealed upon deposing prisoner of war Saddam Hussein.


** Copy of sixty-two [62] page Amended Complaint and other information available by going to web site -


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Philip J. Berg, Esq.

706 Ridge Pike

Lafayette Hill, PA  19444-1711

(610) 662-3005 - Cell

(800) 993-PHIL

(610) 825-3134

(610) 834-7659 Fax                              

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